Tack Tack Tack!!!
Oh My Freakin God!! ... Iam sooo speachless right now
I can´t believe that Iam on blogg.se front page...YAAAAAAAAAHHHHOOOOOOO!!!!
Tusen TACK till Kerin Olofsson och jag vill välkomna alla mina nya läsare
I can´t believe that this has happened to me again!
The thing is that, I was supposed to meet up with this friend of mine at 8 in the morning today, but something happened
I overslept and woke up at 11...AGAIN!!!! This is like the second time it has happened´
I dont know whats up with me nowadays. I was fearing that this was going to happen, so what i did diffrent than the other time was that i borrowed all the phones that i could get my hands on at my place and set all the alarms the alarm rington was and still So what by Pink and i still didn´t hear them ...WGAT A BUMMER

Anyways ..I juat wanted to say that iam sorry :S
5 Most attractive cakes!
I just want to have a bite of each one of these AMAZING cakes ...I mean, who doesnt want to?
Alcohol cake
Money maker cake
Physical Book Cake
Bridge cakes
Nikon Cake
Hittade de från http://www.epicfunnypictures.com
Lööv you all !!
Thursday= Thirsty day
Egg n1: This is too painful
Egg n2: He is going to eat our kids and then us ..what are we going to do?!?!
Egg n3: grrrrrr ...Me amor, I dont think that there is anything we can do .. :S:S
Here Iam sitting in the school library going through my Tobias Rawet assey that i was supposed to lend in yesterday ..(dan dan dan!). This week has been a pain in the ass ..big time! Iam just happy 2 know that am going to be in Stockholm on Saturday they whole day Yaaaaaahooooooo!!!!!! and it was about time for me to take a break from school works and
very far away from Dalarna !
Have you ever been soo tired that you just lost it and by that i mean got soo highper as if you´ve been smoking green (you know what iam taking about :P )
well, It aint like i have ever smoke or anything, but that how iam when iam tired or when iam bored
Som3thing new:
I found out from my mother yesterday for the very first time that i have more than 40 cousins worldwide and this was my reaction ..OMFG!! (which stand for ..Oh My Freakin God!) and I who thought that i only had less than 15 cousins, it looks like i was ..WROOOONG!!. I hope that one day i will have a chance to meet all of them, hang out with them and learn there name ...Goodluck for me on that part!
For those who dont know me Iam really bad at learning new names. Like for ex: it took me half a year to learn this friend of mines last name ...Iam still surprised on how i learned all my classmates first names and some from the other class names in such a short time ...soo proud
Iam soo tired at the moment (which means that iam kinda highper ) that i have no clue on what iam writing abt right now ...Anyways, i think that i have to go now
Adiós y te quierro Everyone!! <3
Olalaaaa ?!
Asså seriös ..skojar han elle r!!!!!!!

What does your name mean?
I always want to know what my name stand for because most of the times people always ask me what my name means and i always give them the hmm...i ...dont .. know kinda unswer which i find it really embarrassing. So a couple of days ago i decided to google my name.
this is what i found out:
Yollande which is my first name is a female name and it´s a violent flower.
Yollande is a very rare female first name and a very rare surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census). Displayed below is the baby name popularity trend for the girl's name Yollande. Compare Yollande with related baby names.
Grafitti : Jag
If you want to know what your name means you can go to www.thinkbabynames.com

Us girls we are so magical
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable
Hard to resist so touchable
Too good to deny it
Ain't no big deal, it's innocent
what colour do u guys think would suit me?
Tjena allihopa!
Today was my day.
We usually start school at 8 the morning on friday , but today we started school at 9.30 which means that i had plenty of sleep , awesome, right! ;)
As much sleep as i got in the morning, by in the afternoon i was soo tired that i couldnt concertrate in the history class and took me hours to just unswer one freaking question that were written in the book!!
Here Iam sitting in the kitchen with my big sister surfing on youtube and listening to old songs like for example
Oh happy day -sister act 2
Ring the Alarm - Beyonce
Beyonce on tyra banks show
Celine Dions songs
Whitney houstons songs and many more
Everybody in my family ís highper today and they are all talking non stop ..hehehe
they are the best <33
It looks like iam booked up this weekend with homeworks. I hope that i´ll be done with all of them by tommorow so i can do somthing fun on sunday and just chill out
Hola at you guys later
xoxoxo / Yollande ;)
Insparation= Green
I cant believe that Obama is the new president of America. And not just that, but he is the first young, black America president ever in Americas ..WHOOOOHOOOO!!! <333
I hope he´ll keep his promise and he´ll change American for good sake !!!
It´s all about green
Fy, va det gör ont
Jag vet att någon gång under pubertetenn är då brukar äggen börjar mogna och bla bla bla, men måste den göra såå jäklar ont vart enda gång jag har den.
Jag är en del av kvinnor som brukar få kraftig smärta, huvudvärk, må illa, ha diarré eller kräkas vid mens ...you name it!. Då kan man behöva smärtstillande medel eller göra nåt som kan lindra mensvärket som t ex
att man måste ligga och vila känns det ofta bäst att ligga med uppdragna knän.
rör dig, stretcha dig och göra allt möjligt men de brukar inte funkar för mig, en del av min smärtstillande är att jag måste sova annars är det katastrof
I alla fall today was that day of the month och den började när jag var i skolan och blev värre och värre när jag kom hem så jag var tvungen att sova direkt, but i have one problem och det är att jag har vaknat nu. Vilken betyder att jag kommer INTE att sova idag ,,,UUsscchhh
Vad fan ska jag göra nu?!?!
Any tips for me?
Dagens Låt
Kanye West- Love Lockdown
Jersey Girl

Jag har typ just tittat på" Jersey girl" filmen på kanal 3. Den var en av de bästa film jag har sett den här veckan. Jag skrattade, grät, skrek, sa hollyshit och allt möjligt ...You have watch it ..den är grymt! ;)
Skådespelare i Jersey Girl är:
Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler, George Carlin, Jason Biggs, Jennifer Lopez, Mike Starr, Matt Damon, Will Smith, Raquel Castro
Jersey Girl handlar om:
Ollie Trinkie har allt en man kan önska sig - en framgångsrik karriär, ett fint hem, en sprillans ny bil, en vacker hustru och ett barn på väg. När hans fru dör i barnsäng förändras dock hans liv för gott. Han tvingas överge sitt gamla bekymmersfria liv på Manhattan för en betydligt enklare tillvaro som ensamstående förälder i förorten. Hans nya liv är allt annat än spännande - i alla fall tills han möter och förälskar sig i Maya...
You can never have enough shoes
I have to get myself a couple of these beautiful, gorgeous high heeled shoes for this spring.
I got everything i want in my life except that a boyfriend ;)
My day today was great, except that i was soo tired that i wasnt even paying attension in the swedish class ( i hope she didnt see me fallin asleep when she was teaching ..hehehe). Other than that my day was great
Now sit back, relax and enjoy these beautiful pictures
Real Love

Tjejen: Sakta ner, jag är rädd.
Killen: Nej, det här är kul
Tjejen: Det är inte alls kul, sakta ner.
Killen: Säg att du älskar mig då.
Tjejen: Jag älskar dig, sakta ner nu
Killen: ge mig en kram.
Tjejen kramar honom.
Killen: Ta av min hjälm och sätt på dig den.
I tidningen nästa dag:
En motorcykel har krockat in i en byggnad.
Två satt på motorcykeln, men bara en överlevde.
Sanning: Killen hade insett att hans bromsar inte fungerade, men han ville inte tala om det för tjejen. Istället fick han henne att säga "jag älskar dig", känna hennes kram för en sista gång, och han fock henne att ta på sig hans hjälm så att hon skulle klara sig även om han skulle dö.
*Äkta kärlek*
Sunday = Sun day ..where are you?
Godmorning my fellas Swedish friends!!
I have started my day with a cup of coffee. Iam usually not a morning coffee person, but since i had a bad sleep yesterday and I want to look awake .. It was a must
Since i havent made a decision on what am going to do today, iam thinking on having breakfast and then read that book i told you guys yesterday about ..the " Stone Cold" book and then do my History homework.
What do you guys suggest i should do today for fun other than reading?
These are the pictures that made it on my blogg Last Year (2008)

Jag kan typ göra såna:

Vilka underbara familjen han har!!!

Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus at the red carpet
Beyonce performing "If I was a boy" song (What a dress!!)
Sugababes were amongst the acts to represent the UK at the event, which pays tribute to the most popular artists amongst European fans.
It was the US acts who dominated the show, however. The country's winners included Kanye West, who took home the Ultimate Urban award.
Manchester's The Ting Tings performed their hit "That's Not My Name'
Beyoncé's sister Solange joined the ceremony, where she presented an award and performed at the after party.

Klänning: 149kr från http://chicy.se/shop/

1. Justin Timberlake
2. Chris Brown (My favorite)
3. Zack Efron
4. Jonas Brothers
5. T.I
6.Matt Pokora
Saturday= Sitting day ;)
You´ll ´never believe what time i woke up today today ..at 3 in the afternoon ...yes you heard me right.
This is why i love weekends. I got to sleep and wake up any time i want to ..fabilous, huh ;)
At the moment Iam watching a Nigeria movie with my mum, afterwards iam thinking of doing the laundry and maybe read this english book which is a english homework. The book itself it´s called Stone Cold by Robert Swindells.

I have only heard negative comments about this book from my classmates..so i hope i´ll find something different to say about this book when iam done reading it ...we will see.

Summer ...Where are you?!?!?!
Iam soo pissed right now that iam soo close to make a sin. My new year started really good until today when i found out that i didn´t pass the geography test that i have been working for in several weeks ..Grrrr if only my teacher knew how to give instructionns and stop changing her words every time i see her and try to to talk a language that we (the students) we´ll understand instead of just bubbling around. (i dont have anything against her ,, but men!) ..well i guess i have to figure out how iam going to fix it (though am not sure what to do nor chang)
My specialities
These are some of the languages that i can or at least a have an idea on how they sound or spoken
English -I can speak english and write in english
French- I can only write some words in french, i dont speak friench but i understand it as long as the person iam talking to speak really really slow. It´s a shame that i cant speak french nor write in french, since it´s one of the most spoken languages in my country and i went to a french school for 3-4 years .. that a story to tell some other time
Lingala - is also spoken by everyone in my country. I understand lingala 100%, write 50%
Svenska- I understand swedish 99% but when it comes to writing well lets just say thats another story ...
Rwandis - I understand rwandis 89%, write 3%
Spanish- Iam new with spanish soo i cant make any comments ..though i can count from 1-100 and say some words in spanish like for example..HOLA GUAPO !;)
Do you think you can beat that?! How many languages can you?
Xo xo / Yollande
Goodmorning!! <3
Godmorning people!!
The sun is shining today which is a good sign that it´ll be sunny tommorow since it´s "going back to school" day. I know am supposed to be all jumpy and excited about going back to school, but to tell you the truth i don´t want to go nor do anything this week. Dont you agree with me?!
Iam not a thurday person, because it´s the day that i end school at 3 o´clock and we barely have any break. for exampel 10 minute is the longest break that we have on thursday ...talking about depressing ..LOOOL
Since today is my last freedom day, iam thinking of celebrating it by relaxing and try to restore as much energy as i can that´s going to get me through tommorow
Me want !!!!
Happy Birthday Loviisa!
Hey guys, Hows everyone doing today?
As for me Iam doing great today :D Iam getting ready at the moment to go to my friends brithday party. Her birthday was actually in january 1st at the new year but she´s gona have the party today. Iam not sure what we are going to so there but i hope that theres something to eat because iam starving!! ;)
This got me thinking of somthing and that is, iam 17years turning 18 soon (in 5months) wwhich means that i´ll never be 17 again DAAAAMMMN IT !. So this is a list of some things that i have done since the 23 my (which is my birth date) and some that Iam thinking of doing before i turn 18 years
These are the things that am thinking of doing this year
1. Stay in bed half the day --DONE
2. and spend the other half of the day in the shower --DONE
3. play music high enough to wake all the neighbours up -- DONE
4. leave my room be a total catastof --done
5. Get good grade at the end of this year
6. get drunk
7. drive a car
8. get a job -
9. get invited to a party
10. get honors
11. flunk a test
12. get a boyfriend (or a girlfriend in your case)
13. make out
14. Get into a fist fight
15. have your own party
16. create your own clothing style
17. perform a Jackass stunt
18. eat well --done
19. keep a secret --done
20. know your style
21.love your parents --done
22. learn to enjoy exercise
23. know what your talents are --done
24.understand your emotions
25. sort out your skincare routine
26.learn to laugh at yourself --soo done!
27.tell people you love them
28.take up a hobby
29.read the classics
30.face your fears
31. Eat Ice Cream everyday --done
32.learn about a diffrent culture --done
33.love your body --done
34. kiss a guy
35 Get pissed --done
36 Get thrown out of somewhere
37 Perform in front of a crowd
38 Brake a bone
39 Throw a house party
40 Have 1 meeningful relationship
41 Streak through the city
42 Travel to 1 far away country --done
43 Deep sea dive
44 Parachute out of a plane
45. Compliment a stranger. --done
46 Try a type of food that you probably would shy away from otherwise. --done
47. Visit a big city.
48. Bring a helium balloon to school one day for someone on their birthday.
49. Study insanely hard for a test in your least favourite subject and aaaaaaace it.
50. Pull an all-nighter. --done
51 Give a speech about something that's important to you.
52. Argue with a teacher if you don't agree with them instead of muttering about it under your breath.
53. Ask someone to a dance.
54 Kiss a member of the opposite sex.
55. Turn a flip on a trampoline.
It´s all about ..Shoes
Some people have been asking and wondering why i blogg in english, well the thing is that Iam not good at swedish.
I have been leaving in Sweden for 3 years now (soon 4years). I have been learning swedish for 2 and a half years now because when me and my family arrived here, my old school headmaster thought that it was a good idea for me to be with my classmates in the classroom when i was in 7th grade.
As for me i thought that was some bullshit talkíng, because i didn´t learn nor do anything that year. All i did was just sit there and do absolutely nothing. I was having a blast at first but with the whole situation but i got tired of just sitting there.
Anywho ..what am traying to say is that my swedish is still rough, but Iam working on it. Iam going to try and blogg in swedish more this year
Iam loving HMs spring shoes collection
Arent these shoes just fabilous?!
Bye for now my dear readers <3
Dagens Outfit
Hola chicas y chicos!!
Today is the day that i decided to clean up my room and remove all the the things that i wont be needing this year. Other than cleaning my room i have been watching one movie to another. I have for example been watching
"Full House 2"
"The Hills"
And now Iam watching "Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo" on kanal 3 and jsut chilling ;)
Jag typ loggade in på bloglovin förra veckan och jag tänkte att du som bruka läsa min blog kan
följa bloggen hos bloglovin. Allt du behöver göra är att klicka där det säger följa bloggen
Ciao <3
Christian V Siriano 2009 Spring Collection

Christian Siriano is 22 years old, raised in Annapolis, Maryland. He was 2008 Project Runways winner
He created the dress Kimberly Locke wore to debut her new single on season seven of American Idol, designed outfits for Becki Newton and Vanessa Williams to wear on Ugly Betty, and created several outfits for singer Estelle's album release, as part of a special design project with Puma. He also made a cameo appearance in the music video for Estelle's single "No Substitute Love." and he was in the television serie "ugly betty".
And now he´s back to show us more of his work.
Here are some of his 2009 spring collection
Arent his collections just ..FIERCE !! ;)
Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009!!
This is the beginning of the end