Behati Prinsloo & Jamie Strachan
Breaking point - Keri Hilson
By Any Means - Sick Witith
Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna
Hyuna - Change

FIFA world cup ANTHEM South Africa 2010 by K'naan
Even thought i HATE footboll, this song is pompin me and making me look forward to the world cup this year
Det här är min första videoblogg ever, där mina syskon har skoj med min kamera.
Jag undrar vart jag var när de höll på att leka med min kamera .. hmm?!o_O
Autumn Tale

I think this is one of the best/ worst movie that i have watched in a long time! Even though i watched it 2days ago, tears can´t stop coming everytime i think about it. It made me cry from the from the beginning of the movie till the end. I can´t believe that the main acter and actress died. What kind of movie is this that both main characters die!!!:@
A little about the movie
Autumn in My Heart is a tragic love story about a pair of baby girls Eunsuh(Song Hye-gyo) and Shinae switched by accident at birth. After 14 years, Eunsuh's true identity was revealed when she was involved in an accident and lost a lot of blood. She returned to her real mother who was a poor shopkeeper. In the meantime, Yoon Junsuh the rich man's son, played by Seung Heon, met up and fell in love with Eunsuh, formerly his "sister". However, both of them repressed their feelings knowing their parents would oppose. Also Junsuh was engaged to You Mei whom he met at university and Eunsuh was dating Tai Xi. The story took a tragic turn when Eunsuh was diagnosed with terminal stage leukemia and Junsuh declared his undying love for Eunsuh. They spent her last months together. When Eunsuh died, a heartbroken Junsuh was run over by a car, thus reuniting the lovers in death.
MadTV - OC
Dagens låt
Dagens låt
Världens sötaste musikvedeo <3
The song is called Happiness. I don´t understand a word they are saying but i just love this song.
I usually get in a good mood every time i listen to this songY :)
Jag dör av skratt!!
What a perfect way to start my day by watching one of Nigahigas vedeos ;)
For all of yall that don´t know Nigahiga, here is a lil info about him. hmm let see ..
Nigahiga is this hilirious and funny asian/american dude who is one of the most famous people on youtube with more than 50 000 000 subscribers!!!
Anywho, This is one of my fav vedeo from him. It about Emos. On "how to be an emo".
Why are there so many colours?? !!
What are you traying to tell me?! Hahahahahaha!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHA ..Det här är för rolig!!
Iam not traying to be mean or anything but this guy sucks as hell when it comes to singing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
In memory of those who died in 9/11
Tears can´t stop dropping from my eyes everytime i listen to that little girls voice ... :(
It made me cry extra hard when she said:
*You never wanted me to be sad*
*I try Daddy but it hurts*
~*In loving memory of all the victims of 911*~
Knock you down
Oh, this ain´t supposed to happen to me!
I love you inside Ed!
This is probably one of youtubes most funniest vedeo that i have watched so far!!..hahahahaha!!.
OMG have to watch this. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Bom bom bom
Det går inte att inte tycka om låten,
It just make me want to stand up and shake what my mamma gave me ..HAHAHAH! :)
Lady Gaga and her new Swedish boyfriend!
Hej till världens vackraste läsare!!
Igår fick jag höra på Lady GAGAs nya låt Paparazzi med Alexander Skarsgård.
Vad jag tyckte om låten: Båda låten och musik låten var ass bra, men det som jag blev överraskade med var när jag hörde Lady Gaga prata svenska i början av låten. You go girl! now you are officialy a swedish chic ..hehe.
Det ser ut som videon funkar inte här, men om ni vill höra den, clicka här
Hello peeps!!
Yesterday i got to listen to Lady GAGAs new song that is called Paparazzi with this swedish dude called Alexander Skarsgård. I thought that both music video and the song was good, but what surprised me the most about the song was the part where miss GAGA was speaking swedish. My favorite part is when she say "puss puss" instade of saying "kyssa mig" HAHAHA!. You can check out the music video here

All my single ladies
Hi to all my beautiful readers!
Incase you have been wondering what i have been upto today, then here is the list
1. I have cleaning my room (i had to because to tell you the truth was a mess!!)
2. I have aslo been traying to learn Beyonces new hit song "Single ladies"
This is how much i have learned so far
I hope you enjoy the vedeo
Since iam done with the choreography, iam actually thinking of doing math, swedish and Social studies homework so see u all later
HuGs n KiSsEs <3