I am back
For those that still visit my blog, even though i wasn´t active, I want to say, THANK YOU and that YOU ARE THE BEST! :D
Konichiwa Bitches

Bild: weheartit
I am at home right now. Well, it´s my friends place but anywhos...I am sitting in the sittingroom watching tv while watching Robyns live performances on youtube. I think I am inlove with Robyns music, style, her energy on stage and just about everything about her.
I should be in bed right now but I ain´t. Why do I have a feeling that I am going to hate my decision of staying up till 2:20 tomorrow morning when I have to live my warm cozy bed ..
Happy Aprilfools day!
Click here for more Hare 2011 collection
Wiiiii, Todays Friday!! Meaning no school tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and ...wait for it ..Monday!! Yepp, you heard right. No school for petit moi on monday.
*~I am soo excited and I think I like it!!!~*
I am going to celebrate Aprilfools day by going to the gym with a friend of mine and then have jasmine tea straight from Beijing.
Btw: I am thinking of pranking my family when I get home. I´ll tell you all about it tomorrow.
Today is baking day at my place, woop woop. I am thinking of baking appelpaj as soon as I get home.
150 g smör
1 dl sirap
1 dl strösocker
2 ägg
2 tsk bakpulver
3 1/2 dl vetemjöl
2 tsk kanel
3 medelstora äpplen
25 g smör
1/2 dl sirap
2 msk kanel
Smält smöret och blanda i sirap och socker. Låt detta svalna något och rör sedan i äggen, ett i taget. Blanda samman bakpulver, mjöl och kanel och vänd ner det i äggsmeten. Rör smeten helt klumpfri. Klä en liten ugnsfast form med bakplåtspapper och ha i smeten.
Skär äpplena i skivor, smält smöret i en stekpanna, ha i sirap, kanel och äppelskivorna. Låt dem bli genomvarma och lite mjuka, fördela dem jämnt i formen med smet, häll över smöret och sirapen som är kvar i stekpannan.
Äppelskivorna blir extra goda om man steker dem i en klick smör, lite sirap och kanel, men har man riktigt bråttom kan man hoppa över detta och bara krydda dem med kanel och socker!
Grädda i 180 grader i ca 30 minuter. Kakan kan gärna få vara lite kladdig i mitten.
Ät som den är eller servera vaniljvisp eller vaniljglass till.
Bilder och receipt: Linnéas Skafferi
I wonder how my life would look like without you in it

Wow, it feels like forever since i updated my blogg. I have been so busy with school and traying to keep myself healthy that I have completely shut everything in my life down. Like blogging for instant and being with my family and friends. Not good at all. This is why I am going to take this apportunity now that we have one week break from school ...well, it more like one week break of staying at home and do ALOT of homeworks. I get goosebumps just thinking about it ..usch.
Looking on the bright side, I am going to spend my holiday in stockholm with my family and friends! Not forgetting doing SHOPPING! and going to my favorite restaurants here in Stocholm. We´ll see if I am going to manage or have enough time to do all this things and still have time to do school works while I am here.
How have you guys been and what have you been upto? :D
Blogging from China!
Hi guys~
I hope that you are all doing well like I am doing here in China (n_n)
At the moment me and host sister are listening to music while playing with cutsey smileys and traying to come up with good ones ...hehehehe~ (o_O) I think we are going to bed soon ...I am not sure ...heh ...we`ll see (^_~) I`ll be posting more when I get back in Sweden(>.<)
P.s It is a little bit warmer here than there. It is 0 minus degrees here ..Muhahaha *|*
Last summers picture
Just another normal day

Today I had an amazing relaxing day with my good friend Emma.
I started my day with a hot cup of tea then headed to Emmas place where we watched a couple of movies and tv shows. The tv show "Lie to me" was my favorite! I am actually planning to order it so I can watch all epi when I get back from China :)
My favorite part of the day was when we made our own "serious"video dancing like normal peeps ..haha~ :)

Home alone with my little sister
This time is permenantly. Well ...not until i leave for China this January the 7th ...yeeeey~! What an awesome way to start 2011, if you ask me ~!
I don´t know why but I am starting to get butterflies all over my body because of this trip. That´s a good sigh, right? and thank goodness that we (as in me and my classmates) are going there with our chinese teacher who I feel a little sorry for because out of the people who are going to China, she is the only one that can speak chinese. You can only imagine how much work she is going to have when we get there. Poor thing -.-

Well well, I am going to go and watch more Disney channel with my little sister.
Later guys!! :D
Christmas is the most amazing time of the year!!
All my christmases during the past years have all been about being with my family and friends, opening presents, listening to good classic christmas songs and eating alot of delicious food that my mum never fail at cooking each and every year. This are some of the things that I am looking forward this year. I hope you all are going to ahave an amazing christmas eve with your families, friends or maybe even with strangers. Who knows? As long as you are going to have fun, thats all that matters~

Hugs and Kiss
Moi~ <3
Guess where I am gonna be in Janaury?
This is a picture of me and my sister last year
In China ya´ll! :D
I got my passport from the China embassy yesterday, wohooo!! :D
This means that they are letting little me to go and exploire their country. hihi^^ I guess it is time for me to get the injection (can´t remember what it is callled), start packing even though the trip is in like a month. I know it is a little bit too early to start packing but this time my plan is to avoid packing everything the last minute like I did when I went to California a couple of weeks ago.
Gaaaah, I can´t wait!!!! :D

What a crapy day i have had today.
Today morning when I was supposed to get up so I can go to school i couldn´t. I had this aweful head ache and my body felt heavier than it usually do. Like i weighed 200kg or sumthing ...uuusch -.-
So what i did was skip school and lay there on my bed untill I got better. Which took 10 hours or sumthing -.-
Now that I am feeling a little bit better I am going to watch 1 to 2 episodes of The Big Bang Theory and then hit the books or something.

I adore Lanvin <3 H&M dresses!!! Too bad I cannot afford them :( But the one marked with yellow are my fav!
Do you have any fav from Lanvin <3 H&M collection?
I want something with chocolate and HOT~~
The whole time i was in history class a couple of hours ago doing the Art test all I could think of was a Hot chocolate with marshmallows<3 A tall large with little hearts and stars steaming mug of chocolate goodness topped with squishy white and pink cylinders of jet-puffed perfection.
The goodness of the chocolate, sweet warmness melting away all your worries!
Maybe it´s time for me to start making this damn hot chocolate before my jaw drops~
Later guys :D
I want it to stop. Make it go away. Far, far away from my sight!
Can't sleep, it's killing me
These hours are killing me
Your nagging is killing me
Killing me
F*ckin killing me
My dreams are killing me
The TV is killing me
My head is killing me
My mind is killing me
My back is killing me
These hours are killing me
Don't fucking tell me what to do, do!
Don't fucking tell me what to do and not to do, do, do, do, do!
F*ck this!
Don´t you DARE!!

Här är några smakprov bilder som vi tog i USA/ Yosemite. Jag uppdatera flera sen.När jag har tid, that is! :)