My H&M Sprig/Summer 2012 favorite outfit

Here are som fabs illustrations from different designers. Drawing illustration is something that I´ve always want to learn but never really had the time to do so. This year I think I have a chance to do just that after my graduation this summer. I am thinking of taking a course after summer to train my hands.
Stefanel F/W 2010

Image source:

Mi- lilla-söta-mini-laptop
Va jag längtar att se den och se om den är lika snygg och söt som den ser ut på bilden....

The one i i have bought The one i wanted to buy
Ryktena stämmer!!
Jag loggade nyss på playahead och på framsidan står det att kommer att bli stängt forever den 1:a Mars kl 00.00 efter 10 års hårt jobb.
De har bestämt sig att göra det eftersom deras trafik har gått ner under de senaste åren och de betalat mer än de tjänar på sajten vilket betyder att deras economi har inte varit bra de senaste åren.
Jag tror jag vet vart många av deras medlemmar har gått! Om jag skulle gissa, så skulle jag säga att många av deras medlemmar har gått och registrerat sig på det kända Facebook sajten (jag och mina kompisar är några av de i alla fall, hihi^^) men jag tycker inte att de ska
Vad tycker ni om det här? Ska Playahead stänga ner eller inte? och tror ni att Lunarstorm kommer att göra nåt liknande framöver eftersom de har inte lika många medlemmar nuförtiden som de hade när jag kom i sverige. Vilket var 4-5 år sen ..??

Leggings från H&M
Kostar 199:-
Tunnelbanan, Stockholm
Tre kvinnor ~30 sitter på tunnelbanan och samtalar. En av kvinnorna pratar om hur hemskt det är med otrohet.
Kvinna 1: Jag skulle aldrig kunna vara otrogen mot Rikard. (Tystnad) Nej, jag menar Jonas!
Cred: Emilia
Buss, Göteborg
En man ~60 springer mot bussen och hinner precis på.
Mannen (till den manliga busschauffören): Min fru kommer där borta.
Busschauffören: Ska jag vänta eller köra?
Cred: Emma
källa: Tjuvlysnnat
Jimmy Choo H&M Collection
Imorse när jag läste på framsidan att det går att löpa Jimmy Choo collectioin på H&M, blev jag skit glad eftersom det fanns en klänning som jag VERKLIGEN ville ha. Så what i did was that, jag öppnade H&M site så fort som möjlig och gissa vad? EVERYTHING IS SOLD OUT!! Well, nästan allting.
VA ARG JAG ÄR!!! I really liked that dress!! :/
Här är några tjej collection som H&M frtfarande har för er som är intresserad. De grå/guld/brun skor är ganska snygga. De påmminar mig om Michael Jackson.

Have you ever wonder on how many strangers have pictures of you?
Lucas ( from One Tree Hill)
You ever look a picture of yourself, and see a stranger in the background?. It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you. How many moments of other peoples life have we been in. Were we a part of someone's life when their dream came true or were we there when their dream died. Did we keep trying to get in? As if we were somehow destined to be there or did the shot take us by surprise. Just think, you could be a big part of someone elses life, and not even know it.
Holidays ..Oyeah, Oyeah!!
It feels like forever since i was blogging. The thing is that i have been super busy this month with school and all them homeworks and all them exmas !! And the funny part (or not soo funny) is that this classmates friend of mine asked one of our teachers why they all (our teachers) all of a sudden decided to give us so much to do within the past 3weeks. This is what the teacher unswered her It because they want to see how we (the students) can handle stress and i was like WTF !!!...that´s some bullshit talking!!!
Anywho, thank God that the LA TORTURA is over now. I am finally free from school (atleast fot some couple of weeks!) Iam thinking of celebrating my freedom long and long hours of sleep everyday from today, a little menicure and pedicure and last but not least A massage (ooo baby ..)
The only left thing to do this week is to buy christmas presents for my family and friends. I dont even dare to saying that loud coz most of my friends are done with xmas shopping and they´ll be like u havent start what?!?! ..WHAT ?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! hehe

(this is how iam going to be looking in some afterschool when i go shopping, since iam going to be shopping things for not only 2-3 people but to 11 !!!! ...p.s iam ending school around 12 in the morning today ..YAHOO!!! )
Idol 2008 är KEVIN!!!

Jag kan inte beskriva hur glad jag är av att Kevin har just vann Idol 2008!!
Asså. jag tyckte att både han och Alice var jätte duktig idag. From the time Kevin sang his new hit " With every bit of me" det var då jag visste eller kände den inom mig att han skulle vinna My insticts were right !!!
Just nu så tittar jag på " Welcome to America" Den är assrolig. Jag tror att den här är min femte gång jag tittar på den här filimen. I just can´t get enough of this movie !!
( I can not describe how glad and excited Iam for Kevin for winning Sweden Idol 2008!!
I thought both him and Alice performed really good today. I know this is going to sound like "Yeah right" but from the moment Kevin started singing his new hit "With every bit of me" he was soo good that i got Gosebumps while he was singing and in that moment sumthin on my mind i was like "he soo winning this shiiiet " and it looks like i was right " Hell to the yeah!
Right now, Iam just chilling out and watching "Welcome to America" I think this is my fifth time I look at this filimen. I just can not get enough of it ! )
Who is it goin to be..Alice or Kevin
Just nu tittar jag på Idol final!!!!
Det är svart att säga om jag vill att Alice eller Kevin som ska vinna för att jag ÄLSKAR både de ..
Hmm going to find out soon !!! CANT WAIT!!
What does ur name mean?!
Yesterday when i was surfing online i found this Quiz or whatever it is on one of my online friend page and i thought this have to go on my blog hehehe.
Anyways this is what my name means
Y= I make every experience great! (true)
O= I love foreplay (?)
L= I always make other people smile when i smile (true)
L= I always make other people smile when i smile (true)
A= Iam a HOTTIE (true)
N= My sex is unforgetable (??)
D= I have trouble trusting people (so true)
E= Iam popular with all types of people (true)
/Iam as hot as a Chilli Pepper..hihi, i didnt know that 8-) /
Nu är det din tur
Now its ur turn
Vad betyder ditt namn?
(What does your name mean? )
B : You are always fun when it comes to meeting new people
C : youre wild and crazy
D : You have trouble trusting people
E : You are popular with all types of people
F : People totally adore you
G : You are very friendly and undestanding
H : You have very good personality and looks
I : Love is something you deeply believe in
J : Everyone loves you
K : You like to try new things
L : You always make other people smile when you smile
M : Success comes easily to you
N : your sex is unforgetable
O : You love foreplay
P : You are very friendly and understanding
Q : You are a hypocrite
R : You are beautiful, and sexy
S : People think you are so sexy
T : You are one of the best in bed
U : You are really chill
V : You are not judgemental
W : You are very broad minded
X : You never let people tell you what to do
Y : you make every experience great
Z : You're Super cool
Läman en kommentar och säga till om du tycker att det stämmer eller inte
(Live a comment saying if ur agree or disagree on what u find about your name ;)
Please Dont stop the Music!
Idag var jag såå SKIIIT nära att vara försent My new habit från idrott. But lucky me min idrott lärare brukar ALLTID komma försent så det gick bra :D. Efter skolan åkte jag direkt hem för att not onli do i have 1 or 2 or 3 but 5 läxor som jag måste göra klart förr jullovet (God help me!!) som t ex jag måste plugga inför Naturs och matte prov som jag kommer ha nästa Really fun ...NOT!!!
Chris Brown a.k.a Chris Brizoo<3333
Chris Brown My baby is bringing sexy back! . Den 23 januari kommer han att uppträda på Hovet i Stockholm. Tänk om biljeterna har redan tagit slut Nej yollande, stop thinking like that!!1 (cross fingers)
. Iallfall who want to join me to his koncert?!?! ...Anyone?!?!
Jag vill ha en av de här läckra klänningar till jul ..
/ I want to wear one of this dresses in chrismas ../
Och en av de här gorgeous skor
and one of this shoes and have them together with the dress
Some random shit which i think are very true about guys

All u females read this !!..
Believe it or not
1. Guys like there cars and bikes more than a girls. Guys dont actually look after Good-lookin girls. They prefer neat and presentable girls
2. Guys hates flirts
3. When a guy says he doesnt understand you, it simply means your not thinking the way he is.
4. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
5. Whe a guy really like you, he´ll disregard all bad characteristics
6. Guys go crazy over a girls smile ;)
7. Guys will do anything just to get the girls attetion
8. When you touch a guys heart, there is no going back ..
9. When a girl say "no", a guy hears it as "try again tommorow" ...sooo true !
10. U have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the message clearly
11. Guys love there moms
12. A guys would sacrifise his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses
13 A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesnt mean that the guy likes her
14. U can never understand him unless u listen to him
15. If a guy tells ýou he loves you once in a lifetime. He does
16. Beware. Guys can make gossip scatter through half of the face of the earth faster than girls can.
17. Like Eve. Girls are guys weaknesses.
18. Guys are very open about themselves.
19. It´s good to test a guy first before you believe him. But dont let him wait that long ;)
20. Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a dot! ..e det sant?!!
21.Guys really admire girls that they like even if they're not that much pretty.
22.If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You
don't need to give advice ... very true.
23.A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
24.Guys keep secrets that girls tell them.
25.Guys think too much.
26.Guys fantasies are unlimited.
27.Girls' height doesn't really matter to a guy but her weight does! ... very
28.Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So
watch out girls!!!
29.Guys are more talkative than girls are especially when the topic is about
30.You can truly say that a guy has good intentions if you see him praying
31.If a guy says you're beautiful, that guy likes you
32.Guys hate girls who overreact
33.Guys love you more than you love them IF they are serious in your relationships.
When i was reading this i was like ..OHHH :D
I got this from a this guyfriend of mine called Jeshu (he is a very funny guy, he cracks me up!!) I just felt like saying this to u guys just incase ....
You turning me on<3
Hola Chicas y Chicos!!!!
Min dag idag har varit ganska kort. Jag hade bara två lektion idag which felt really really good!! och slutade vid kl 14.20 ;)
Efter skolan gick jag direkt hem för att jag behöver plugga inför Historia prov som jag kommer ha den på fredag HURRAAHHHH!!
Jag älskar historia. Den är en av mina favorit ämne i skolan, sen kommer drama (They call me Drama Queen ;) Jag kommer inte ihåg de andra med i alla fall jag tänkte fråga er om ni hört Keri Hilson och Lil Waynes nya låt ?!?! IT´S THE SHIIEEETTT!!
Just listen and enjoy :D
Ladies and Gentlemen ..
Jag har just hört att 1av mina favorit Artist har klippt sitt hår och jag var WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING!! först, ,men sen när jag tittade på hans bild i was like ..DAMN HIS LOOKIN ALL CANDY AND MJAAAAUUUUU!!!
Här är Trey songz
Whch one should i pic?
Tjena Allihopa!
I need ur advise. We are having this reading book thing at school and i cant come up with any gd book to read. So far i have chosen 2 books and i cant decide whch one i am gona start reading
Bokens Beskrivning
Jenna har just börjat sjuan och det enda hon borde behöva oroa sig för är att brösten aldrig växer,den alldeles för blonda klasskompisen Ullis-Knullis som hon hatar och hur hon skall få Sakke snygg snygg snygg att lägga märke till hanne.Men Gud har inte sköt sitt jobb.Hemma hos Jenna finns en rullator,en doseringslåda,en duschstol,peruker och anpassade möbler och skåp.Där lever nämligen en cancersjuk mamma.I taket i Jennas rum sitter stjärnor som lyser i mörkret.
Under en av dem har hon gömt en dikt.Om du dör mamma,då tar jag livet av mig.
Bokens Beskrivning
Det har tagit slut mellan Colette och Art. Hon kämpar febrilt för att komma på fötter och är fast besluten att gå vidare med sitt liv. Men det är svårare att glömma Art än hon först trott. Hennes familj och vänner börjar tappa tålamodet, och när Art plötsligt dyker upp tvingas hon ta svåra beslut. Vill hon börja om igen eller är det dags att gå vidare, på egen hand?