Summer ...Where are you?!?!?!

Iam soo pissed right now that iam soo close to make a sin. My new year started really good until today when i found out that i didn´t pass the geography test that i have been working  for in several weeks ..Grrrr if only my  teacher knew how to give instructionns and stop changing her words every time i see her and try to to talk a language that we (the students) we´ll understand instead of just bubbling around. (i dont have anything against her ,, but men!) ..well i guess i have to figure out how iam going to fix it (though am not sure what to do nor chang)

My specialities

These are some of the languages that i can or at least a have an idea on how they sound or spoken

English -I can speak english and write in english
French- I can only write some words in french, i dont speak friench but i understand it as long as the person iam talking to speak really really slow. It´s a shame that i cant speak french nor write in french, since it´s one of the most spoken languages in my country and i went to a french school for 3-4 years  .. that a  story to tell some other time 
Lingala - is also spoken by everyone in my country. I understand lingala 100%, write 50%
Svenska- I understand swedish 99% but when it comes to writing well lets just say thats another story ...
Rwandis - I understand rwandis 89%, write 3%
Spanish- Iam new with spanish  soo i cant make any comments ..though i can count from 1-100 and say some words in spanish like  for example..HOLA GUAPO !;)

Do you think you can beat that?! How many languages can you?

Xo xo / Yollande

Postat av: Emma

Wow, så många språk! :D Jag kan svenska, engelska, och lite spanska. Sen förstår jag lite tyska och hollänska. och så kan jag ytterst lite ord på finska ;)

sv: I think we should talk to our mentor that she almost gave the whole class IG. I think we should give the ge-teacher IG in explaining the intructions! I don't get a word what she's saying! :O

2009-01-09 @ 13:35:41
Postat av: Anna

Svenska - modersmål :)

English - This language I'm very good at, I think...

Francais - mais ne pas beaucoup.. <-C'est vrai?

Norsk - ikke så mye, min beste venn er fra Norge :)

2009-01-09 @ 16:23:35
Postat av: Linda

Yeah well I'm new at my school so they have to explain everything for me/us, the new ones. We're going to have real classes starting monday.

That's so cool I wanna be able to know so many languages!^^ I know...

swedish- ofcourse :p

english - reading 99%, writing 80%.. talking soso :p

french - I understand/read it pretty good, talking = not so good

2009-01-09 @ 18:53:42
Postat av: Linda

WOHOOOOO!!!!:D I got offered a modelling job today!!:D

2009-01-09 @ 20:53:50
Postat av: anna

svar: Yeah I know, but the thing is that Joker in Batman sais it like that and I think that's fun ;D

2009-01-09 @ 21:34:57
Postat av: Emma

sv: no i have not. have you?

2009-01-10 @ 16:41:21
Postat av: susan

Svenska, engelska, arabiska och lite spanska :P

2009-01-10 @ 17:29:03
Postat av: Karin

Vilken av klänningarna menar du?

2009-01-11 @ 11:19:13

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