100 reasons not to blog


  1. Firefly
  2. reading blogs
  3. sleep
  4. too much trouble to resize pictures
  5. comment spam
  6. Gossip Girl 
  7. picture not good enough
  8. didn't take a picture
  9. work
  10. love letter
  11. hang out with friends
  12. too far behind
  13. can't decide which entry to write first
  14. have started not watching movies because it would lengthen the backlog of movie reviews I need to write and post, and anything that can make me do something that stupid shouldn't be supported
  15. ditto books
  16. should make lunch 
  17. Do the dishes
  18. Play Wii game
  19. my blogging isn't as interesting as other people's
  20. people might read it and see what a dork I am
  21. too busy working on the something
  22. should be working on my school work
  23. nobody reads it anyway
  24. yeah, okay, three people
  25. they probably should be doing other things too
  26. too much trouble to find and edit in all the links I want to add
  27. need to redo my templates and style sheets first
  28. have to upgrade Moveable Type
  29. or maybe I should switch to Word Press
  30. or Grey Matter
  31. too busy writing in my Live Journal
  32. can't decide whether it should go in my blog or my Live Journal
  33. might embarass my family and myself
  34. maybe I completely missed the point of that movie
  35. looking at the stars
  36. need to fix my bike's rear brakes
  37. the car needs new tires
  38. who needs to hear another political rant at this point?
  39. might start another series that I'll have to obsessively keep up with
  40. I want to watch Choi Siwon over and over again on youtube
  41. my lil sis wanna play
  42. could use a shower
  43. rather read a book
  44. or my magazines
  45. blogging doesn't pay the bills
  46. blogs don't cuddle
  47. what have i got to prove?
  48. i could be selling all my stuff on ebay
  49. shisensho
  50. lawn needs mowing
  51. hardwood floors would be nice
  52. my tea is almost ready
  53. tiger mountain is three blocks away
  54. always wanted to learn Spanish
  55. The West Wing (on DVD)
  56. portland is only three hours by train
  57. vancouver is less
  58. if i did it today they'd expect it every day
  59. no gloves
  60. some psycho might deduce where i live and steal all my good stuff
  61. keep thinking i should pick up trash along my commute route
  62. wastes electrons
  63. people in china don't have blogs
  64. girls might think i'm sexy if my blog was cooler, but i'm happily married so i'd have to turn them down and they'd be sad
  65. might accidentally give away how self-absorbed i am
  66. could use up all my allotment of good ideas
  67. might lead to having to talk to people
  68. need to find a good recipe for baked beans
  69. White chics (on DVD)
  70. batteries going dead on laptop
  71. windows crashed
  72. Six Feet Under (on DVD)
  73. maybe i should jump on the NaNoWriMo bandwagon
  74. I think i'm going for a walk
  75. can't fit post in 4k palm memo
  76. have to learn to photoshop pictures into betterness
  77. haven't posted all the other things i've got a draft for yet
  78. might wake up Becky
  79. have to return some email
  80. need to delete a few thousand emails
  81. vocabulary too limited
  82. not enough time before I have to leave the house
  83. post will be longer than anyone could reasonably be expected to read
  84. no one will leave any comments
  85. should I really be displaying my neuroses for all the world to see?
  86. might get some comments
  87. wouldn't exercise be a better use of the time?
  88. Carpal Tunnel
  89. this chair makes my butt fall asleep
  90. I'm late
  91. preview templates in moveable type don't look anything like the final version
  92. need to surf the blogs I read yesterday to see if anyone has responded to the comments I left
  93. have to look up the html to cause the list to continue across the extended entry
  94. or maybe it will just work
  95. Gotta check if my popcorns are ready
  96. check my emails too maybe
  97. hey look, I have gmail
  98. I dont know why but i do
  99. wanted to revise my site stat collector
  100. My fav movie has started on tv now


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