Voves and Tigres <3
Hi yall!!
I was going to blogg yesterday in the evening but i couldn´t because we kinda had a family gathering with some friends too. It all started with low music. then turned into a party :D
Let the pictures speak for themselves
Thats me and the Voves
Tigres ...she is sooo cuuuuutteeeee!!!! <3
Me, Chris and my brother (bienfait) traying to keep up with gd music
Chris, his friend Ray Jay(Grrrr ..he looks better in real life ..promise) and my brother free styling ..Ray Jay won ..YAHOO!
I dont remember the joke ..but ...OMG i think he is looking at me ;)
Isnt that beautiful!
Alice ( my big sis) and me
Bene and Mr X
Lets the party begin!
Me and Chris again (peace yall! )
Me traying to scary ma sis but it didn´t work ..never does :(
Afterwards when we were all tired from dancing , we had sumthing to eat (fried chicken) and Cola ..ofcourse
What a great day it was yesterday !!
(Yes, iam the african queen ;)
Iam here ....finally!
Anyways, now that iam here iam thinking of just taking it easy and then start my party tomorrow.

p.s Iam not exactily in Stockholm. Iam in Upplands Väsby. It´s like 20 min away from Stockholm centrum.
Anyone who live here ..holla at me so we can come up with something to do or something ;)
Am going to help my mum and my sis in the kitchen
Holla @ you guys later <3
If you would rate rate from 1-10 on what a good job i did, what will I get?

Idags Nätfynd
Iam in Heaven!
This is why i love holidays!!
And this is good deal, expecially now in the winter.
What have you all done today?
Peacen n <3
Check out Laurens Conrads new Boyfriend!
Kyle Howard + Laurens Conrads= Cute couple ..?

Chris Brown and Rihanna

If you are a fan of Chris Borown and Rihanna or just attend to listen to their music then you are going to find this REALLY funny.
Breaking news about wat happened to the R&B super stars Chris Borwn and RIhanna just after the grammy award when they were walking " Under the Umbrella" to their car. Rihanna told Chris Brown to "take a bow", he was like "excuse me miss" and then there was a "disturbia". When they got in the car Chris Brown tried to turn of the radio.Rihanna said "please dont stop the music" Chris looked at her and said " excuse me mama" "I had to say yoo". Rihanna said "Shut up and drive", so Chris got mad and chocked her sayin you "You can´t breath with no air". Chris took her down and hit her "from Wall 2 wall". He then decided to "Run it" ...maybe "forever-ever. Rihanna was like, i´ll see you in "Rehab" because you have been "unfaithful"
his rymmes really good. Dont you think so?
Iam a fan of both Chris and Riri and iam definately not happy on what Chris did to Riri. What he did to her was really wrong. But when things lik this happen, even to us "normal" peaople all we need sometimes is a good laugh to get over it . To move on ..you know.
Peace and <3
Are you having dirty mind right now?

My todays wishlist

What a week
Like for ex, I was at school yesterday until 6 in the fucking afternoon! Me and this french teacher from my school were the last ones there. The thing is that me and some other pupils from my school were doing exams that we missed on when some of us were sick and couldnt come then(am one of them) while others just skipped school .. hehehehe

I had Geography test today which i think that it went better than ok .we will see what grade that am going to get when we go back to school after this week. ( did i tell yall that i got an A on my last geography assey that i was freakin about some weeks ago hehe ..YAHOO!!!)
. Am just happy that it is all over and that
My Humps
Artist: Fergie ft Black eyed peas
Real text: What you gon' do with all that junk?
All that junk inside your trunk?
Me singing: What you gon´ do with all that track?
All that truck inside your junk?
Comment: Today at school when me and lolulou were jus chillin at the skul corridor (or wahtever they call it), i started to sing this song without even thinking of what iam sayin. And then after awhile I was like ....WTF am i really singing ..eeeehhh
My Humps by Black eyed peas
Todays Shoes
You can find it and many morre here här
Your too good to be true
You just seem too good, to be true
I don't know why my heart turns toward disbelief
When it comes to believing you, I guess it because many people told me that you were not trustable and that for you this is just a game
I don't know how you could, want to be so close to me
Hold me tightly, I don't know why you'd ever choose to say I love you when you have so many wonderful opportunities
I want to believe it. So very badly that your love is true and your not hear for the ride but in the end... I am always just a fading memory....
Yesterday me and this neighbour of mine went at the mall for some "window shopping" since we were both broke than church mouse and even though i had money I´d still wont use it because Iam traying to fight my shopaholic pro ..(Yeah right, we r going to see how that´s going to last ...hehe).
After 1 to 2 hours going around and aroind in the mall and not finding anything that i fancied, we decided to hit the road and the way there i kept on falling asleep in the buss. It felt like i was druged or somthing and poor her, becaouse she got to sit there alone ...quite.
Sory Budds ..i couldnt help it
Anyways, i think I gotta hit the bed now
Peace and Love <3
Am having a bad hair day

Give me her hair, her jeans, her top, her make-up, her shoes..what the heck ...GIVE ME EVERYTHING!
Give me, give me, GIVE MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Which one do you think is the cutest of all ?

A baby in my burger, please
o.....k...( @£¤#€/$€£@£$£€£)
Baby-faced boy Alfie Patten is father at 12years!!!

I still can´t believe what my eyes have seen or what my ears have heard!!!
A Baby-faced Alfie, who is 13 but looks more like eight, became a father four days ago when his girlfriend Chantelle Steadman gave birth to 7lb 3oz Maisie Roxanne.
He told how he and Chantelle, 15, decided against an abortion after discovering she was pregnant.
You can read more here
On my opinion i think that this is SICK!!
I mean i cant even imagine on how a 12 years old kid would even come up with an idea of having sex at a very young age?!?!?!?!
I remember when I was 12 years old i didn´t even know anything about kissing or even having a boyfriend.
Thats the time when i was like playing with my dolls and stuff
This is sick if you ask me, This is when my brother would say This is some fucked up situation
or what do you guys think?!?!?
Happy Valentines Day People

I just wanted to take this time and wish everyone a very Happy Valentines Day and hope that this year is going to be better than the other years!! <3
Live your life by T.I and Rihanna
I like many other people out there sometimes when we listen to a new song for the first time, it´s never easy to just sing the right lyrics ..so what i usually do is that i make up my own words. Like for example the first time when i listened to Live yout life by Rihanna and T.I for the very first time, this is how i was singin
Me: Laila hiiiiiii, laila haaaaaa, laila huuuuuuuu, laila haha
stead of singing like this: Ma ya hee, ma ya haa ('Errbody right here)
Ma ha hoo, ma ya ha ha
Yeah, we WON!!
Yesterday my team won ..CONGRAT ATAHUALPA TEAM !!!
This is what happened ..Everytime when we are about to have history exams, we usually have a quiz a day before the exams and for the first time my team won WHOOOHOOO!!!
he quiz was about The search of spices and the exploration of the seas started
We got this heart chocolate that tested really good and the others got candies ..even us
I can´t believe that I didnt go to school today becoz i was looking forward to do the istory exams :(
I Hope that this is just a bad dream and it´ll go away soon
Why, why , why
This is the question that i have been asking myself the whole night and still doing it
I knew that i didnt want to do it. My whole body and mind didnt want to do it but my stupid hands still wrote it down
and now I regreting it.
I regret it big time
Why did I do it?!
My heart is on fire right now.
I can barely swallow anything
It feels like iam chocked and it get harder and harder to breath every second
Why, why me?!?!?!
Uuuussscccchhhh ...This sux!!!!!
Here iam sitting in the sittingroom watching THE VOICE n traying to forget that iam sick today. My throught is hurting, Iam freesing like hell and I can barely stand up.
Iam starting to believe that saying that friday is a unlucky day.
Seriously, because I have just realise that i always get sick on fridays or ave a bad hair day on fridays
It´s all about High Heels this Spring

Design by: Me ;)
Celine Dione -Pour que tu m'aimes encore ( eng translation)
Should I or shouldnt I?
The thing is that i usually don´t use gloves ..even in winter. I don´t think i need them because i don´t usually go places where iam going to be outside for a long time. But when we have outdoor activities day at school (friluftsdag) then it´s a must for me to have gloves on because I have very sensitive hands and i go nutts ... BIG TIMES!!!
But am thinking of buying my own gloves and stop boring from my family members. At the same time my buss is coming in 15 min and i really, really have to revise my history hw (homewrok)
My last decision is .....am going home now and i´ll buy them tommorow after school
gotta hit the road now ...am gonna write more when i get home or something
Mhwuah <3
Förresten, va tycks om min ny bakgrund och header? :D
Puss o Kram till er <3
Todays love song is by Witney Houston -I will always love you
What is Love?

What is Love?
and why does love never find me?
Instead broken hearts surround me
Saying he wouldn´t hurt me
but in the end he didn´t deserve me
What is Love?
ant why doesnt love know my name?
I prayed to God that it would change
But true love never came
What is Love?
I ask myself time after time
why love is so blind
or shouldn´t waist my time
I guess broken hearts are only made for me
Because love finds everyone else but never find me ...
I´ve just came from the mall, but i didn´t find anything that my eyes fell in love with. This is why i like shopping online coz it´s easy and you save time than running around in different shops and not find anything ..Bummer!!
Like for example, this is a jacket that i bought online like a week ago...isn´t it just GORGEOUS!!!

the jacket is from www.ellos.se
Do you remember that when i told ya´ll that am good at braiding hair? well i did braid my brothers hair yesterday. It is looking fly as hell (gona put a pic of him later )
Todays love song is for the ladies cating to their men ;)
Dangerously in love by Beyonce
and Cater 2 u by Destiny´s Child
Friday= Frying day ;)
At the moment Iam thinking of doing some of my homeworks then jsut chill out and watch a movie What should i watch ..hmm! What are your plans for today?
I was thinking that since it´s almost Valentines Day, i can tips you guys with some love songs that you can send them to your love ones or sumthing ;)
So, the song for today is by Shayne Ward- Breathless
A lesson for today:
Never depend or put your hopes on anyone coz all they´ll do is disapoint you n break your little heart ..
I didn´t go to school today coz i wasnt and am still not feeling good. It all started yesterday with a very bad headache and by the time i got home it got worse. I felt like my eyes were burnin and ready to pop out, hard to swallow anything, my body was too tired for me to even move around ..Usch

Iam thinking of just taking it easy today and when i start feeling better am going to finish my Social studies homework.
See ya later
xoxoxo/ Y
Pimp That Snack
Have you ever heard of a website caled Pimp My Snack?
If you haven´t then this is your day. What they really do there is to sell pimped snacks meaning that they take a snack like for example let say a snickers and make it larger.
Like for exampl thes two
How they did it, i don´t know.
p.s they are not zoomed or anything ..they are real!!
You can check out more of the pimped snacks at
Obama is my Homeboy ;)
Gissa vad jag fick för packet i mitt rum idag??
Jag fick den här sjukt snygg OBAMA is my Homeboy t-shirt som present av syrran. Min är pure Black and white, s som storlek och den är tjejig (va jag önkar att jag hade en kam så jag kan visa er den)
I alla fall ...Visst den är snygg?
Man kan hitta den jag köpte från http://www.teejays.dk
p.s finns det nån som vet vart man kan köpa Obama sneakers här i Sverige?
Lööv yall <333
This is my favorite cake from all the others
The CD Printer Cake look tastier than the other ones ..don´t you think so?
You can find more of these gorgeous cakes at www.epicfunnypictures.com
Have a good evening EVERYONE!! <3
Who are you?!
Läget? Allt e niice med mig , förutom att jag har inte gjort klart alla mina läxor (am taking care of that right now)
Mitt job för idag är att städa mitt rum, tvätta kläderna och allt möjligt!
Hej, minns ni den dag som önskade mig om att someday, jus someday that am going to get 100 readers per day? well, igår var den dag !

Så här såg det ut igår. Jag gick från att ha 20 besökare till 325!!
Vilka är ni?
hur gammal är ni?
Vart kommer ni ifrån?
Ciao Muchas y Muchos <33