Holidays ..Oyeah, Oyeah!!
Hej Allihopa!!
It feels like forever since i was blogging. The thing is that i have been super busy this month with school and all them homeworks and all them exmas !! And the funny part (or not soo funny) is that this classmates friend of mine asked one of our teachers why they all (our teachers) all of a sudden decided to give us so much to do within the past 3weeks. This is what the teacher unswered her It because they want to see how we (the students) can handle stress and i was like WTF !!!...that´s some bullshit talking!!!
Anywho, thank God that the LA TORTURA is over now. I am finally free from school (atleast fot some couple of weeks!) Iam thinking of celebrating my freedom long and long hours of sleep everyday from today, a little menicure and pedicure and last but not least A massage (ooo baby ..)
The only left thing to do this week is to buy christmas presents for my family and friends. I dont even dare to saying that loud coz most of my friends are done with xmas shopping and they´ll be like u havent start what?!?! ..WHAT ?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! hehe

(this is how iam going to be looking in some afterschool when i go shopping, since iam going to be shopping things for not only 2-3 people but to 11 !!!! ...p.s iam ending school around 12 in the morning today ..YAHOO!!! )
It feels like forever since i was blogging. The thing is that i have been super busy this month with school and all them homeworks and all them exmas !! And the funny part (or not soo funny) is that this classmates friend of mine asked one of our teachers why they all (our teachers) all of a sudden decided to give us so much to do within the past 3weeks. This is what the teacher unswered her It because they want to see how we (the students) can handle stress and i was like WTF !!!...that´s some bullshit talking!!!
Anywho, thank God that the LA TORTURA is over now. I am finally free from school (atleast fot some couple of weeks!) Iam thinking of celebrating my freedom long and long hours of sleep everyday from today, a little menicure and pedicure and last but not least A massage (ooo baby ..)
The only left thing to do this week is to buy christmas presents for my family and friends. I dont even dare to saying that loud coz most of my friends are done with xmas shopping and they´ll be like u havent start what?!?! ..WHAT ?!?! WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?! hehe

(this is how iam going to be looking in some afterschool when i go shopping, since iam going to be shopping things for not only 2-3 people but to 11 !!!! ...p.s iam ending school around 12 in the morning today ..YAHOO!!! )