Jag har kommit på nåt ...

Jag har kommit med en bra idé idag  ..och det är ..
Jag tänkte börja med "Veckans blogg" varje måndag i sommar! Vad tror ni om det?
Jag "intervjuar" en bloggare/bloggerska varje söndag och så får ni chansen att läsa om olika sorters människor och deras liv. Spännande va?

Vilket underbart väder det är idag

Hej alla läsare!!

Idag har jag och en av mina bästa kompisar varit ute och njöt av den här underbart väder. Vi åkte till Falun för att köpa de här skorna som jag tyckte var väldigt söt, men tyvärr fanns det ingen av dem som var min storlek :(  .. men jag hoppas att jag kommer att hitta en annan söt skorpar den här veckan innan skollov :)

Nu tänker jag bjuda min lilla söt syster på glass


Dagens Fråga

I Hate School!

This are my school works that i have to finish this week since the teachers are going to be grading us next week.

This are some work that i have to be done with this week

1, Spanish test = Iam doing this one tommorow

2. Social studies (Samhällskunskap prov)= iam doing this one on tuesday

3. Samhälls/ Muntlig. Om att gifta sig= Iam doing this one on thursday

4. History/ muntlig om första världkriget och om USA (this is a very big test!!)= I have no clue about this one

5. Geografi= gör min egen stad och skriva klart min Syd Koreans paper= I REALLY have to be done with both of them atleast till wednesday

6. Jag har matte prov på torsdag

7. Jag hade engelska prov idag

See how much work that i have to do this week!
I hope that you guys are going to be patient with me because i dont think that iam going to have time to blogg at all this
this week

 Probably next week
  and i have a surprise for you guys that you are all going to like!! ;)

I better sleep now
Good night peeps <3

Meningen till varför man måste jogga varje dag!

För att ha kul medan man gör det, så kan man lysnnar på Mp3an

Sunday I go crazy



Hey yall <3

Since today is my birthday,
my brother and his friends decided to do something good for me which is taking me out (who knows where)
but i heard that there is going to be good music and everything so yeah ..iam looking forward to have fun today!!! 

Did you know that you can do art with bread and fruits?!
food009.jpg picture by Eclisse

food011.jpg picture by Eclisse

food018.jpg picture by Eclisse

Bikta dig hos mig

Har du gjort något som du ångrar sig, något du känner ångest inför eller du vill bara lätta på själen och berätta vad det är som tynger just ditt hjärta? Jag vet att jag har illf
This is your chance ..du kan vara anonym eller inte. Det är givetvis upp till dig

Happy Birthday To Me!!

Happy Birthday to me! I have just turned 18 people!
It feels weird being an ADULT now ..but what the hell

To celebrate my 18th birthday, i can do the following ..

-stay half the day in bed

-and the other half in the shower

-play myCD's at the highest volume

-leave my room to be a total disaster

-In other words ..

...do the usual

Happy Birthday Girl!!!

I just wanted to take this time and congratulate my friend JuYoung a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
I hope that all your dreams that you have been telling me about, *that we have been talking about) come true this year!!
I wish that i was at your bday party right now, but as we all know that i live far away from there. But i hope that we wil get together in summer and do something fun :D

joyeux anniversaire and I <3 you ..
and OMG i still can´t believe that we are turning 18 juju . We are now ADULT ..hihi ^^

Dagens Tips

Det är någon som frågade mig när jag hade frågestund om jag kunde skriva tips på min blogg oftare som man kan göra hemma själv ..så jag tänkte börjar med den här.

Den här är för LÄPPARNA
Skrubba läpparna en gång i veckan med en barntandborste. Dina läppar blir då mjuka och sköna och skrubbningen får läppstiftet att fästa bättre och sitta kvar längre.

One Of The Cutest Accessories I Have Seen So Far

Hola Chicas y chicos!!

I have been fixing my hair  the whole day you know, taking out my braids and everything and iam done now ..yey!!
The only thing left now is to wash my hair the first thing in the morning so that my mum can make new ones

I think that iam going to sleep now. Goodnight everybody!!!

Oh yeah, i founded this cute  accessories at dollymixx
Arent they cute!!! I would like to get on of this MUMS accessoris as a birthday present :)

Coolest Soffas ever!

Hello World!!!

Today I only had 2 lessons which are the Drama play test and the Spanish test  and ended at 12 in the morning ..Yeah!!!
The Drama play test went good. It actually went better than i had expected it to. At first when people started getting in the room where we were going to play the play, my heart started pounding like those techno songs, I started to feel like iam going to faint at any time and i couldn´t feel my legs, but the second we started the play i forgot that their was atleast 20 people in the room and I didn´t even think about messing the lines or anything like that. It was REALLY FUN!!!

No comment when it comes to the Spanish test. I mean, how harder can it get?! ..seriously. The test was soo hard that most people from my Spanish class were complaining about the test (including me hihi^^). Let just hope that i passed it.

After school, i spent the rest of the day with Bijoux (she is this friend of mine). What we actually did was took a walk in town, did some window shopping and just enjoyed todays good weather

Dagens fråga ...

Jag har inte sminkat mig för ett tag nu, men jag tänker att börjar göra det igen. I am star´ting to forget how  fun it is to make up myself :)


Hey everybody!!

I hope that you guys are doing great! As for moi, iam tired like hell! I didnt get much sleep yesterday and am afraid that iam not going to get much sleep today either :(

I have two exams tommorow that iam not prepared for..soo yeah ..iam kind of hoping for a miracle that´s going to save me tommorow  or somthing like that.  pourquoi moi?

These are the most weiredest hats i have ever seen in my life!!  though the hat number 3 is kind of cute ..but still ..
what were they thinking of when they walk out from there houses wearing them?!?!

I have to continue studying for my Spanish test that iam going to have tommorow and get ready for my  DRAMA  play that iam going to have tommorow too. I have to be great tommorow coz i really want that MVG on my Drama corse (is that how they spell it?!)

Wish me luck because i´ll need that tommorow ..hihi^^
Au revoir! :D

Iam going to ...

Hi everybody!!

I Hope that your all  are doing fine ;) As for me, i have had the best snack ever when i came back home from school :) I had  panncakes with strawberries and Ice cream on top ..MUMS!  Nothing can ever go wrong with these three combinations ..who agree with me?!?!

Kan ni rösta på mig hos Felicias blogg som "veckans blogg"
Allt ni behöver göra är bara att klicka här och sen lämna en kommentar på hennes blogg med mitt namn på ...hihi

Förresten jag fyller 18 på lördag..YAHOOOOOOOO!! :) OMFG!!

Klickar här och rösta på mig !!

This Bed Is Making Me Hungry ^^

Whats up everybody!!
How is everyone doing today?! God i can´t believe that it is monday tomorrow ..(lame!  I dont want to go to school tommorow.Iam having P.E in the mornng ..yey)

What a woderful weather it was today thought. The weather was soo good that me and my little sister decided to take a walk and ended up having ice cream near the lake where i live :D

Guess what i found today .dan, dan, dan, daaaa!!!

A hamburger bed!!  I have been traying to find a  new comfy bed since mine its just not working for me anymore. I always have back pain everyday when i wake up (which my dear friend is not fun!)  so when i was surfing around to find my dream bed this is what i found. Awesome right!
 Kayla Kromer of Austin, Texas is the person behind this work.  She also mensioned that the bed is very comfy and warm which is exactly what iam looking for. But unfortunately i cant have it :S
You can find more information here
(iam not sure if the girl who is laying on that bed is the one who designed it)

Don´t you just get hungry by looking at it? ..i do haha ^^


The One Man Shy Lamp

Hello to all my wonderfull readers! <3

How is everybody feeling today?! Iam doing good :D
Today I have been babaysitting my little sister Benedict a.k.a Bene since both my parents were working and my big sister and brother are having a good´time in Stockholm having shows and such ..hihi (see how nice iam :)

Other than babysitting my little sister, i have been studying traying to do all my school works which my friend are plenty!!
So far i have only done 2 out of 8. Meaning that i have 6 left  ..yey :(

When i was surfing around online, i found this Lamps that i thought you guys wanted to see ..

The Duck Lamp was created by Sebastian Errazuriz and is a really strange and creepy lamp.

dead duck lamp

This folded book lamp is designed by Takeshi Ishiguro

The NOD Light is a bedside table light or wall mounted light, that can be used to store a few small personal items, and of course keep you a little more organized.

HAHA is my favorite one. This is Mr. P (aka: the One Man Shy Lamp). I bet that if you had this lamp in your house it may cause a few giggles and perhaps a blush or two and Yes, that is his on/off switch hehe. It doesnt really tell who designed it on the webb but

Thisis the cutest Lamp ever! The Mushroom Lamp is a glowing feat of technology

(you can find more information about these encredible Lamps here at  http://www.freshome.com/

Breathing your love

Artist: Darin ft Kat Deluna

Riktiga texten var:

I wanna spend my nights and days between your arms
Every day breathing your love
And even in my dreams I wanna be kissing your lips
Baby, breathing your love
Breathing your love, love,love

Men jag sjöng:
I want to spend my night and days between you arms
Every now iam bleeding your love
And even in my dreams, I want to be here wishing your here
Baby, bleeding your love
Bleeding your love, love love

Övriga kommentarer:

This is how i used to sing the first time i heard the song and didn´t really know the lyrics that well ...hehehehe



The COOLEST Ice Cubes EVER!!

Hello everybody!!

I hope that you all had a good day today like a did!
I was suprised when my classmates told me that we are ending school at 12 in the morning today  since we usually end at 3 every wednesday..hihi
I was like SAY WHAT!! ..YEAH!!! ^_^

After school me and my friends went to Mac Donald, which is kind of our wednesdays  traditional to go there since we usually have 2 hours break.

This is what i found today when i was surfing around. I would love to have all the Ice Cube Trays. Especially the Love Lip, Jazz guitar Ice Cube Tray ..hihi ^^

Love Lip Ice Cube Tray

Bone Chillers Ice Cube Tray

Jazz Ice Cube Tray

Ice Princess Ice Cube Tray

I better sleep now because i have a  long day tommorow.

HuGs n KiSsEs to all of you <3

// Yollande


bor du i sverige eller? Ja, jag bor i Sverige. Jag har bott här i 4år nu :D

Varför började du blogga? Jag började blogga för att jag ville träna att skriva på svenska (men vi alla vet hur den där
gick ...hehe. Jag borjade istället att blogga på engelska eftersom ingen förstodde mig när jag bloggade på svenska.
Men jag tänker på att blogga på båda engelska och svenska i sommar) och för att hålla kontakt med mina kompisar
och släktingar som bor i Afrika och andra länderna ..hihi ^^

Favorit glass? I LOVE almost all sort of Ice Cream!! Iam into coconut ice cream this summer

Wanna be a top model? Yess!! Being a modell is one of my drams that  iam thinking of fulfilling when i move in Stockholm this summer (Iam only going to be living in Stockholm in summer and then get back to my boring life afterward ..)
Vad skulle du ta med dig till en öde ö? mat, nåt kallt att dricka och biljetterna att tar mig hem sen.

Vilket tv program skulle du vilja vara med i och varför? Gossip Girl självklart, eftersom det brukar allting hända nåt där ..plus who doesnt want to live a luxury life ?!?

Tycker du man ska förbjuda rökning? JA!! båda rökning och alcohol, eftersom de brukar inte hjälpa oss med nåting..they are trouble

hur fixar du ditt hår på morgonen ?Jag brukar bara kamma den

hur gammal är du? Jag är en 17årig tjej som fyller 18 i 10dagar (HARREGUD!!!)

har du kille? Nix ..Iam single ready to mingle, baby ;)

where ya from? I was originally born in Congo (Zaire) men växte upp i Kenya :D

Vad bloggar du helst om? Om min vardag, och kändisar gossip.
Vad brukar du göra på fritiden? Jag brukar dansa, umgås med kompisar och sova

vart bor du? Jag bor i Dalarna

var har du köpt den svarta tröjan som du har på bilden på din blogg. Den med dem häftiga solglasögonen? jag köpte tröjan hos Gina Tricot och de där häftigaste solglasögon är från ROCKAWAY butik som ligger i stockholm. Jag fundera på att köpa de. Va tycker ni?

Vilka är dina favorit bloggar som du läser dagligen? Jag brukar läsa mina kompisar blogg, Kenzas och Fokis (hennes blogg e häftig och fräsch) blogg

gör du nåt speciellt med ditt hår? Joo ..min mamma bruka flätta mitt hår

HuGs n KiSsEs

The Lost Child

Hi to all my wonderful bloggers and readers ;)

As you can see that i havent been blogging lately ..well the thing is that i have soo much schoolwork that i barely have time to chill out or anything. I have homework in every single f***kin subject, plus not forgetting the mathematic and english national exams. They call it High school life, i guess. 

This is how my tommorow is looking out:
1. Drama: My Drama class is going to play this foreplay where iam a very cocky, rich wife who thinks that she ís all that (That is soo not me, but iam playing the roll pretty good if you ask me ;) WISH ME LUCK GUYS! Iam going to tell you all about it tommorow on how it went.

2. After drama iam going to have Social Stdies exam ..  I really, really hope that it is going to go well ...grrrrrr

3. After school iam going to do more studying when i get home ...  REALLY FUN ...NOOOTT!!!!

(Me in Stockholm)

Förresten ...jag lovar att svara på alla eras frågorna imorgon ...JAG LOVAR! :D
Ni kan fortsätta frågar mig hur mycket ni vill tills imorgon

Nu måste jag forsätta plugga inför min Samhällsprov som jag ska ha imorgon
Önskar alla läsare en trevlig Måndag! <3


 Jag gör som alla andra och följer strömmen (vilket jag aldrig brukar göra annars, men okej för denhär gången då..), och kör på en frågestund.  fråga på bara!  svarar på allt nästan. finns ju vissa gränser. hehe, men fråga på så mycket ni bara kan! stoppar när jag tycker det räcker med frågor!

Ni får vara anonyma om ni vill!

All my single ladies

Hi to all my beautiful readers!

Incase you have been wondering what i have been upto today, then here is the list
1. I have cleaning my room (i had to because to tell you the truth ..it was a mess!!)

2. I have aslo been traying to learn Beyonces new hit song "Single ladies"
This is how much i have learned so far
I hope you enjoy the vedeo

Since iam done with the choreography, iam actually thinking of doing math, swedish and Social studies homework so see u all later

HuGs n KiSsEs <3

Who are these girls?!

I know that they have been turned into cartoons, but what´s their name?

Iam going to give you a hint ..
These two beutiful girls are from a very popular tv serie that comes every Sunday evening on Kanal 5 at 7pm. Plus it is my favorite tv serie ;)

Hiss eller Diss?!

Rihanna is back!
Rihanna at the 2009 MET Costume Institute Gala, May 2009

Rihanna at the 2009 MET Costume Institute Gala, May 2009
Rihanna at the 2009 MET Costume Institute Gala, May 2009

You can see more of her pictures here Rihanna at the 2009 MET Costume Institute Gala, May 2009

I´m Having A Bad Day

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever wanna runaway?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming

Are you sick of everyone around?
With their big fake smiles and stupid lies
While deep inside you're bleeding

Do you ever get that feeling where you don't want to talk to anybody? You don't want to smile and you don't want to fake being happy. There isnt a way that i can explain how i feel right now. There is no words that i can use that is going to make you understand how i feel at the moment. How there are so many questions, feelings going in my head that are driving me crazy. Iam hoping that the feeling will pass soon and that I will be able to be myself again, but until then all you can do is wait.

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