Dont´t hate the player, hate the game

So yesterday me, my big sister and my big bro were sitting in ther sittingroom and talking about this new American tv comedy show called The Game that me and my sis watch nowadays on  youtube. This is how the conversation went anyways ..

My sis: Oh yeah by the way, have we told you about this new U.S comedy show called The Game?
Me: Oh yeah, OMG  YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT! It is sooo FUNNY!!
My bro: Ok. what is it ... (me and my sis interrupted)
Me: OMG Derwin Devis is sooo cuuute!!!
My bro: "#¤%&&¤%##"#"¤%
My sis: Nuh, i dont think so. Jason Pitts is cuter
Me: Are you blind or somthing!
My bro:  Geez, who told you guys that iam gay!! :O

The whole room was quite for like 5sec and so on, until my sis started to talk again

My sis: Did we mension that there is this cute girl on that rv show ..
Me: Yeah, she got the who junk in the truck bootylicious going on ?
My bro: Now your talking! ;) ..what is the name of that comedy show again

hahahaha. I can´t stop laughing everytime i think about it, hahahaha :D


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