5 reasons why i should stop blogging

Don't get me wrong. I love my blog and its topics, but frankly, I'm struggling to keep up. I'm just not cranking out content like I used to, and I feel as if I'm contributing "too little too late."

These are the reasons why i should stop blogging

Too Late:
Great blog entries are well-timed. They manage to surface at just the moment when we're all thinking about the issue. I've yet to master the fine art of timing. Even when I do have just the right thought at the right time, other more important obligations (like going to work and come home all tired and lazy) mess up the flow

  • I'm Selfish: The reality is I'm not giving back enough. I rarely have time to contribute to other folks' conversations, so why should they give back to me? Every once in a while, I do leave comments for others, but I worry they're too pithy and insincere, maybe even too (subconsciously) motivated by dreams of link love. Authenticity and sincerity are the price of admission to conversation. For this to work, I can't be selfish.

  • I'm Boring: Sometimes, I look back on my righteous blog posts and just say to myself, "Dude, spice it up, or folks will fall asleep." Indeed, when folks are busy and attention's scarce, you can't be boring. You can't just regurgitate or wax the breaking marketing story. If you're boring, readers are snoring.
  • I haven't figure out RSS: Painful to admit, I still haven't figured out RSS to its full potential, which makes me feel a bit phony. How can I exploit the full potential of my blog without a solid grip on the communications glue of the space?
  • I'm Tired: This stuff takes work. You can't just start a blog and expect wonders. Like all great things in life, you must make a real investment.

  • What do you guys think, should i stop blogging?

    Postat av: Linda B

    No keep it.:( You can just write whenever you feel like writing... maybe never again, or maybe you start writing like 5 entries a day.:p I'm gonna start again sometime.. I just shut it down cuz I want another design when I do.:p

    lol "if you're boring readers are snoring".^^

    2009-07-02 @ 11:09:38
    Postat av: Linda B



    2009-07-02 @ 17:51:45
    Postat av: Ph

    DON'T stop blogging!

    2009-07-02 @ 20:08:06
    URL: http://ppham.blogg.se/
    Postat av: Ph

    sv: Åh tack för att du röstade! :)

    2009-07-02 @ 22:07:29
    URL: http://ppham.blogg.se/
    Postat av: chili

    Naw din blogg bara blir sötare och sötare:) Sluta inte o blogga!! du behöver ju inte lägga ner all tid i världen på den, skriv när du känner. Dina läsare sviker inte dej bara för att du inte uppdaterar din blogg exakt varje dag!Kram

    2009-07-02 @ 22:27:14
    URL: http://strangebakery.blogspot.com
    Postat av: Anonym

    Sluta inte Blogga Yollande!! Då blir jag arg! XD

    2009-07-03 @ 01:28:53
    Postat av: Anonym

    And by the way: Snygg header Yollande! :D

    2009-07-03 @ 01:30:44
    Postat av: c h i c c a.

    haha aa det var grymt kul!:D

    ne med familj och mammas vänner;)

    2009-07-03 @ 10:42:23
    URL: http://cristinasavina.blogg.se/
    Postat av: Cajsa

    På H&M... :)

    2009-07-03 @ 12:26:59
    URL: http://cajsa1.webblogg.se/
    Postat av: Cajsa

    hehe men de har de..XD jag älskar H&M... :P

    2009-07-03 @ 13:42:28
    URL: http://cajsa1.webblogg.se/
    Postat av: ISA'S STYLE

    sv: Tack desamma! Lägga till varandra på bloggkoll kan vi göra ja! Haft en bra dag? Här är det supervarmt!



    2009-07-03 @ 14:07:14
    URL: http://isasstyle.blogg.se/
    Postat av: cecilia ♥

    finfin blogg! =)

    2009-07-03 @ 15:27:10
    URL: http://ccecillia.blogg.se/

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